Activating this trainer: Press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options: Numpad 1: Super Acceleration Numpad 2: Super Brakes Numpad 3: Super Jump Numpad 4: Freeze AI Numpad 5: AI Spinout Numpad 6: Freeze Timer Numpad 7: Reset Timer Numpad 8: Set Credits Numpad 9: Set Level Numpad 0: Unlock Disciplines Numpad /: Unlock Races Numpad *: Unlock Licenses Notes: Numpad 1: Super Acceleration - while driving in the game, press this key to massively accelerate. Numpad 2: Super Brakes - while driving in the game, press this key to stop very quickly. Numpad 3: Super Jump - hold this key down while driving to vault the car into the air. Numpad 4: Freeze AI - while racing AI, press key to freeze them into place. Numpad 5: AI Spinout - while racing AI, press key to send AI spinning out of control. Numpad 6: Freeze Timer - while racing AI, press key to freeze them into place. Numpad 7: Reset Timer - while racing AI, press key to reset the timer to 0. Probably best to toggle right back off when its reset. Note that this option and Freeze Timer cannot be on at the same time and using one with reset the other. Numpad 8: Set Credits - toggle this on and then enter an area where you can spend credits and you have plenty. This is not the real value, but you can buy things. The value in the trainer can be modified to whatever you like. Numpad 9: Set Level - toggle this on and then enter an area where you can upgrade things based on your level, and you will be able to upgrade. Your level may show as 0 while this is on, so toggle back off once you see it is working. The value in the trainer can be modified to whatever you like. Numpad 0: Unlock Disciplines - toggle this on and you can enter any of the race Disciplines in Career. Numpad /: Unlock Races - toggle this on and you can enter any of the races in Career. May have to unlock Disciplines first, so use that option if necessary. Numpad *: Unlock Licenses - toggle this on and you can enter any of the races in Career even if you do not have the proper license. You may have to unlock the Disciplines and the Races first, so use those options if necessary Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - DiRT 4 Trainer Short Documentaries
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